From $152k to $1.1m

DTC Luxury Brand

This company came to us in October of 2022, with a desire to scale their multi-channel acquistion and revenue. The brand has been active for more than 80 years, but their digital presence was not performing up to their potential.

We implemented our growth-frameworks across Paid Social, PPC Marketing, Retention Marketing and Creative Strategy and they went from $2.5m per year, to $4.3m per year and are on track to do $8m after working with us for 20 months.

That's revenue growth of 220% in less than two years.


Our team implemented a holistic digital marketing strategy that focused on the following key areas:

1. Meta Ads:  Focused Creative Testing and Funnel Building

We overhauled the Meta Ads strategy, introducing a regime of creative testing and continuous optimization, which allowed us to identify the most effective products, offers and creative strategy for high impact.
Refining the creative strategy and offers, optimizing the account structure and scaling the adspend, allowed us to scale the spend on Meta from $3.7k per month to +$92k per month.

Since taking over management of Paid Social, compared to previous period, we have scaled adspend 260%, decreased CPAs of 64% and increased Purchase Conversion Value by 1,283% netting an increase of almost $3,000,000 in attributable revenue from Meta Ads.

1. Google Ads:  High-intent Keywords and Optimized Account Structure

We revamped our Google Ads approach by implementing advanced optimizations in Shopping and Performance Max (Pmax) campaigns, leveraging precision bid management techniques. This strategic overhaul allowed us to pinpoint the highest-performing products, offers, and creative assets for optimal impact.

Through meticulous refinement of our creative strategies and offers, optimization of account structure, and strategic scaling of ad spend, we successfully expanded our monthly Google Ads budget from $3.7k to $92k.

Since assuming control of Google Ads management, we have achieved the following results compared to the previous period:

  • Scaled ad spend by 2400%
  • Maintained a +750% ROAS
  • Increased Conversion Value by 441%
  • Generated an additional $3.5 million in attributable revenue from Google Ads

Our technical expertise in DTC-focused campaign management has significantly enhanced shopping performance and driven substantial revenue growth.

3. Email Marketing: Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

We implemented a high LTV setup using Klaviyo, emphasizing maximum profitability through our retention-machine framework. This approach included a welcome series for new subscribers, abandoned cart emails, promotional campaigns, winbacks, VIPs & more. Nurturing customer relationships and encouraging repeat purchases, led to increased LTVs & profitability. We revamped their Klaviyo approach by implementing advanced optimizations in advanced segmentation, leveraging deep personalization techniques and offer-optimization.

Since assuming control of the Retention Marketing-machinem we have achieved the following results compared to the previous period:

  • Sent 4.7m conversion-optimized emails
  • Increased email-attributed revenue by 416.95%
  • Maintained healthy core metrics
    • Open Rates of +40%
    • Click-rates of +4.5%
    • Generating an average of 37% of revenue
  • Successfully managed +5 product launches, generating over $300k in the first 24 hours after launch