Performance Creative

What are UGC & Performance Creative:

Iterative angle, creative & audience testing to drive high-quality traffic that converts into loyal ambassadors.
At Larsen Digital, we harness User-Generated Content (UGC) and Performance Creative as integral elements of our holistic marketing strategy.

UGC as a Performance Driver

UGC, especially founder-generated content, has shown significant performance improvements in past campaigns.

Strategic Integration

We test and iterate UGC alongside other creative assets to identify high-performing variations, messaging frameworks & USPs.

Data-Driven Analysis

We analyze the success of UGC to ensure informed, data-driven creative decisions.

Clear Briefs for Creators

We provide detailed briefs to UGC creators, outlining storyboarding, shot types, and visual style.

Creative Inspiration Tools

We use tools like Foreplay to build inspiration boards, identifying trends and successful visual styles.

Balancing UGC and High-Production Value

We mix UGC with high-production-value assets for authenticity and visual impact.